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Web Content & Design

This is just a sampling of the numerous sites I've worked on. My clients come to me for various web needs including:
• Branding, copywriting, and designing full new sites
• Developing full content 

• Managing total or partial site content refreshes

Click on an image to visit a site:
Pelvic Connection Physical Therapy
Brand Dev, Full Site Copy & Web Design

Owner, Laura McKaig was ready to rebrand her business and retire her old website after many years and asked me to write and design her new site. The first step was deciding on a new color palette and a fresh modern look and feel, far different than her previous site. Then I developed the new sitemap, designed the full site, and wrote all of the content.

Parent Stride - Parent Coaching, Classes and Books
Brand Dev, Full Site Copy & Web Design, Logo Design 

Parent coach, Joan Morgenstern, tasked me with creating a new brand for her business and as a way to promote her new books. The first step was developing a brand overview to guide the tone and messaging. Then I created a new business brand name and logo, and the full design and copy content for her new website. The new branding also extended to her social media.

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Olathe Holistic -
Wellness Collective

Brand Dev, Full Site Copy & Web Design, Logo Design 

Olathe Holistic, which brings together several independent practitioners under one roof, needed to establish a brand, brand voice, identity, and messaging to attract new clientele to experience all they have to offer. I was tasked with establishing the tone, crafting the copy, and developing the entire site design for their new website.

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Solvative - Digital Innovators
Full Branding & Content Writing
Familiar opens and does great with word of mouth; then never has the time to hone their brand or push out a consistent message. Adding to the confusion? A name change. Solvative tasked me with conducting a brand review, developing their positioning, brand voice, and messaging; then had me translate that messaging into full web content for their new website.
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Shannon McKain -
Motivational Speaker

Full Branding & Content Writing
Shannon was seeking to strengthen and expand her personal brand messaging and I was tasked with putting the new approach into words in the form of a brand guide (see sample in Brand Dev). Out of this messaging, I developed web content that conveyed the new messaging, while creating greater brand awareness and promoting her expanded slate of services.
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Trinity Capital Advisors
Site Refresh with Full Content Writing
Trinity Capital was ready to refresh an outdated website to reflect its industry advances and growing portfolio of projects. I was tasked with developing new content, new case studies, new bios, and more, all of which were incorporated into a new site design.
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Matching Miracles - Egg Donor Clinic
Copywriting for New Content 
The client's original website was far from ideal. The content was too general and not representative of their brand. They wanted more robust and totally refreshed content that would accomplish two goals: one, it would feature highly detailed, yet friendly, information for both intended parents and egg donors; and two, it would better reflect the compassion, sensitivity, and affordability that makes their clinic unique in the space.
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MCRM - Fertility Clinic
Copywriting for New Content 
My challenge was to refresh the client's educational content about treatments, processes, and costs. The goal was to not only make the content more robust but to transform difficult and intimidating information into welcoming, conversational copy that matched the client's brand voice and echoed their warm, caring attitude to potential new patients. 
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Dawson & Keenan - Insurance Brokers
Full Content Writing 
Dawson & Keenan has been an insurance provider in the Ontario area for 100+ years. They had lived with an outdated site for too long and wanted a total overhaul that reflected a consistent brand voice and included optimized SEO to attract new customers. I was tasked with developing new content for 35+ detailed pages about their products, services, and more.
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AJ Braun - Structural Material Fabricators
Full Content Writing 
AJ Braun had lived with an outdated website for a number of years, and wanted to bring their image and their messaging into the 21st century. I was tasked with telling their story and promoting their services in a fresh way that still spoke to their existing customers but would be engaging and relevant to potential customers as well.
SelectQuote - Senior Insurance Products
Full Content Writing
The client, SelectQuote, needed to ramp up their Medicare and Life Insurance websites targeted at seniors to become more competitive with other products
on the market. My task was to develop
all-new SEO-rich web content for both products. The goal was to translate some very complex concepts and government-regulated information into consumer-friendly, easier-to-understand language.
Morgan & Haupt - Dental Practice
Branding & Full Content Development
My challenge was to overhaul the practice's old site which they felt was too generic and impersonal, by doing a complete rewrite and design overhaul that better reflected the practice's very care approach, and also highlighted & explained, in patient-friendly detail, their extensive treatments and capabilities.
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